“In life, finding a voice is speaking and living the truth. Each of you is an original. Each of you has a distinctive voice. When you find it, your story will be told. You will be heard.”
John Grisham

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Burying the Past

Life’s a journey…Surrender
The past few months have made it very clear to me that life is indeed a journey and once you reach a milestone in your life, it's immediately time to look ahead to the next.  My biggest mistake after making it through the life-altering adventure I had last year was treating it as a plateau as opposed to a growth spurt.  I conquered quite a bit of fear and doubt during the Global Partners experience only to find that festering beneath the tip I melted away was an iceberg of fear waiting to sabotage my efforts to begin building a new life for myself.  I guess you can’t cure 20 years of conditioning that easily, but if it was easy then everyone would be willing to confront their flaws and attempt to correct them.  I have been able to identify one thing that has been a major contributor to this hard fought transition and that is reluctance.  My reluctance to let go has been a major obstacle to becoming a brand new me because I can’t seem to part with the baggage of my former self.  This brings me to the crux of this post which is the necessity of burying the past.

I have become quite a fan of the OWN network recently, especially any program featuring Iyanla Vanzant.  I recently learned that Iyanla was born Ronda Harris.  She changed her name in her late 20’s, as she put it, because she no longer had a need for Ronda due to her transformation into a new person.  Iyanla realized that she was carrying the burdens, pain, scars and habits of Ronda into her new life of success.  Regardless of how great a situation may look, if you bring old habits and an antiquated mentality into a new environment nothing really changes.  You will do in present as well as future circumstances what you have done in the past unless you shed certain aspects your former self that simply don’t fit into the life you want to live.  Iyanla said that she essentially buried Ronda Harris, not out of anger or spite, but out of necessity.  She was living a life that she was no longer meant to live and the only way to breakout of the cycle was to let go of Ronda and embrace Iyanla. 

Derek 4.0
While I’m not going as far as to change my name, I have realized that this is what I need to do.  In retrospect, I see that this transformation has been an iterative process for me and now it’s time for the next phase.  The way I see it, I have had three pivotal transitions in life and heading into a fourth.  Those transitions are:

Graduating from high school

Going back to school to finish my undergraduate degree

Graduating with an MBA and seeing more of the world than I ever expected

DEREK 4.0!!!!!!!!!

Now I figure it’s time to start making some arrangements because the experiences of my distant past don’t fit the life that I’m hurdling towards.  It’s time to make peace with and bury the past in order to move forward into the person I’m meant to become.

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